Tornar enrere

Hostalric Castle guided tour

The Castle of Hostalric with guide!


The visit to the Castle of Hostalric will allow you to take a guided tour with the accredited local guides who will accompany you in the discovery of this imposing fortress that has been the protagonist in different episodes of the history of Catalonia.

The guided tour, lasting approximately 1h30, will allow you to understand the reason for the evolution of a medieval castle to a modern fortress. What caused it? What is the construction system used? What are the typical defensive elements of this fortification?

Local guides will show you the most emblematic corners of the Castle Fortress of Hostalric and you can access the Cavalier, space of the ancient castle of Cabrera, where they will explain the most surprising anecdotes of the history of this building. This is the noblest room in the entire castle and, to retain its majesty, is accessible only with a guide. The visit ends in the parade ground, where you can enjoy an excellent panoramic view from the top of the basaltic stone hill on which the Castle is located: the Montseny Massif, the Montsoriu Castle and the Montengre Corridor mountain range.


  • De l'1/09 al 30/06: dissabtes, diumenges i festius a les 12h*
  • De l'01/07 al 31/08: dissabte, diumenges i festius a les 11h* 

* Guided tours are in Catalan. 

Starting point of the visit: Information Point of the Castle.


  • General admission: 7€
  • Reduced rate: 5€ (children from 7 to 12 years old, youth card holders and pensioners)
  • Free admission for children up to 6 years old (except school groups).

Limited seats. We recommend pre-booking in the side banner.