Tornar enrere


Hostalric has 3 tourist accommodations: camping and 2 tourist apartment.

HUT Ca l'Anna

HUT Can Barrera

Càmping Vila Village


Some accomodation proposals near Hostalric...

El Gos Cantaire (Massanes, 5 km far)

Escola de Camp de Ramió (Fogars de la Selva, 6,5km far) 

Can Dalemus (Maçanet de la Selva, 11km far)

Rural Montseny (Gualba, 13km far)

Mas Romeu (Arbúcies, 15km far)

Can Orta (Sant Feliu de Buixalleu, a 11km far)


If you are looking for something different, check the accommodation directory of the region of La Selva and Rural la Selva (cottage, holiday villas)