Tornar enrere

Castell de Montsoriu

The great Gothic castle we see today is the result of the significant alterations made by Bernat II, Viscount of Cabrera, in the 14th century.

Situated at the top of a 600-metre-high hill, at the foot of the Montseny Massif and just a stone’s throw from the Guilleries Massif, Montsoriu Castle straddles the municipalities of Arbúcies and Sant Feliu de Buixalleu in the county of Selva, overlooking the Tordera Valley and the entire Mediterranean corridor from Girona to Granollers.

With this unbeatable vantage point, Montsoriu was the most impressive Gothic castle in Catalonia and one of the most important medieval fortified enclosures in the country, which explains how it became the military headquarters of the Viscounts of Cabrera at a time when this dynasty was one of the most powerful in the country and in the Mediterranean as a whole, serving alongside Pere III the Ceremonious (14th century).

The castle can be visited with or without a guide. The guided tour is especially recommended for families with children from five years old. The 2.8-km walk from the car park to the castle gate is suitable for all ages. On the guided visit you’ll find out about the history of Montsoriu and its use as both a military facility and palace. The visit also includes fun activities for children, who will discover the legends associated with Montsoriu and the surrounding area.